Orginal Raspberry Pi 12 Mpix myndavél V3 Noir.

Quality of (still) life
Camera Module 3 comes with an improved 12MP IMX708 Quad Bayer sensor and features a High Dynamic Range mode, making it the highest quality Camera Module we’ve made so far.

Focus on the good
Camera Module 3 features ultra-fast auto focus as standard. A rich library of software commands means you can have total control over what you focus on and how you do it.

Look from a different perspective
Need a wider field of view than the standard 75 degrees? Camera Module 3 Wide features an ultra-wide 120 degree angle of view, meaning your Raspberry Pi can see more of the world.

See things differently
Both the standard and wide cameras come with the option of having no IR filter, turning the Camera Module 3 into a night-vision camera when used with infrared lighting.
For developers
Camera Module 3 takes advantage of the Raspberry Pi Open Source Camera System powered by libcamera. This rich set of libraries gives developers precise control over image processing and better access to the internals of Camera Module 3.
From hardware schematics to software configuration, developers and users can find all the information they need about Camera Module 3 in our extensive and detailed documentation.
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