Raspberry Pi 5 ál kassi frá Argon – RPI5-ArgonNEOCase

7.990 kr.

Sensehat eru mismunandi skynjarar ásamt 8×8 matrixu með rgb ljósadíóðum sérstaklega búið til fyrir Raspberry pi.

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Optimize the power of Raspberry Pi 5
  • The Argon NEO 5 is redesigned specifically to meet the high demands of the Raspberry Pi 5.
  • Impressive thermal dissipation solution for both passive and active cooling.
    • Aluminum case enclosure with passive cooling fins that act as the heatsink
    • Air intake vents allow for cool air to enter the case
    • 30mm PWM fan helps with the airflow and push out hot air to exhaust vents
Simple and beautifully designed
  • Made with aluminum alloy and polished with a Black & Red finish for stunning aesthetics.
  • Easy assembly for the 3 part case with the Raspberry Pi 5.
  • Small foot print  allows to bring it anywhere – or easily mount to your desired station with built in mounting points.
  • Complete access to all ports with the removable top cover.
Superior protection & security
  • Space grade aluminum helps protect Raspberry Pi 5 board from physical damage.
  • The case has a screw on top cover to keep the ports safe when not in use.
  • Optional SD card cover to protect your data even further.
Native Raspberry Pi 5 board support
  • Integrated power button
  • LED light display

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